6 research outputs found

    Virheenkorjauskoodien tunnistus signaalitiedustelussa

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    Error correction coding is an integral part of a digital communication system. In signals intelligence the aim is to recover the transmitted messages and part of this task is identifying the used error correction coding method. The purpose of this study is to present a overview of different identification methods of forward error correcting codes and test the performance of these codes in a controlled setting. The codes that are discussed in this work are block codes and convolutional codes with a main focus on low density parity check (LDPC) codes and turbo codes. Test cases for LDPC code identification are presented and remarks about the performance and limits are made.Virheenkorjauskoodit ovat oleellinen osa digitaalista tietoliikennejärjestelmää. Signaalitiedustelussa tavoite on selvittää lähetetty viesti ja osa tätä tehtävää on käytetyn virheenkorjauskoodin selvittäminen. Tämän työn tarkoituksena on esittää yleiskatsaus erilaisiin virheenkorjaukoodien tunnistusmenetelmiin ja testata näiden menetelmien suorituskykyä kontroloiduissa olosuhteissa. Virheenkorjauskoodit, joita käsitellään tässä työssä ovat lohkokoodit ja konvoluutiokoodit ja pääpaino on low density parity check (LDPC) -koodeissa ja turbokoodeissa. LDPC-koodin tunnistamismenetelmien testitulokset esitetään ja menetelmien suorituskykyä ja rajoitteita tarkastellaan

    DevOps in practice : A multiple case study of five companies

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    Context: DevOps is considered important in the ability to frequently and reliably update a system in operational state. DevOps presumes cross-functional collaboration and automation between software development and operations. DevOps adoption and implementation in companies is non-trivial due to required changes in technical, organisational and cultural aspects. Objectives: This exploratory study presents detailed descriptions of how DevOps is implemented in practice. The context of our empirical investigation is web application and service development in small and medium sized companies. Method: A multiple-case study was conducted in five different development contexts with successful DevOps implementations since its benefits, such as quick releases and minimum deployment errors, were achieved. Data was mainly collected through interviews with 26 practitioners and observations made at the companies. Data was analysed by first coding each case individually using a set of predefined themes and thereafter perform a cross-case synthesis. Results: Our analysis yielded some of the following results: (I) software development team attaining ownership and responsibility to deploy software changes in production is crucial in DevOps. (ii) toolchain usage and support in deployment pipeline activities accelerates the delivery of software changes, bug fixes and handling of production incidents. (ii) the delivery speed to production is affected by context factors, such as manual approvals by the product owner (iii) steep learning curve for new skills is experienced by both software developers and operations staff, who also have to cope with working under pressure. Conclusion: Our findings contributes to the overall understanding of DevOps concept, practices and its perceived impacts, particularly in small and medium sized companies. We discuss two practical implications of the results.Peer reviewe

    Collaborative games for event audiences

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    Langattoman teknologian elinkaaret

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    Lapin viimeinen markkina:Kolarinsaaren markkinakentän arkeologiaa

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    Sammandrag Lapplands sista marknad : arkeologi vid Kolarinsaari marknadsplats Marknaden på Kolarinsaari var den sista traditionella marknaden i Lappland. Marknaden hölls fram till 1880-talet. Marknadsplatsen låg på den sydliga spetsen av Kolarinsaari, där man också finner den gamla träkyrkan och begravningsplatsen. Nuförtiden lockar Kolari kommuns badstrand och Pókemon Go-spelets virtuella pokéstop besökare till platsen. Under utgrävningar som utfördes på Kolarinsaari sommaren 2018 framkom det att marknadsplatsen har legat norr om kyrkan vid det nordvästra hörnet av den nuvarande begravningsplatsen. En del av de äldre kulturlagren har hamnat under begravningsplatsen. Byggnadslämningar visar att det på platsen funnits marknadsbodar försedda med glasfönster och eldstäder, som revs då marknadsplatsen föll ur bruk. De fåtaliga föremålsfynden stöder platsens datering till 1800-talet. Djurbensmaterialet berättar om livliga handelskontakter särskilt med samiska handelsmän, som hämtade renkött och ishavsfisk till marknaden

    DevOps in practice

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    Context: DevOps is considered important in the ability to frequently and reliably update a system in operational state. DevOps presumes cross-functional collaboration and automation between software development and operations. DevOps adoption and implementation in companies is non-trivial due to required changes in technical, organisational and cultural aspects. Objectives: This exploratory study presents detailed descriptions of how DevOps is implemented in practice. The context of our empirical investigation is web application and service development in small and medium sized companies. Method: A multiple-case study was conducted in five different development contexts with successful DevOps implementations since its benefits, such as quick releases and minimum deployment errors, were achieved. Data was mainly collected through interviews with 26 practitioners and observations made at the companies. Data was analysed by first coding each case individually using a set of predefined themes and thereafter perform a cross-case synthesis. Results: Our analysis yielded some of the following results: (i) software development team attaining ownership and responsibility to deploy software changes in production is crucial in DevOps. (ii) toolchain usage and support in deployment pipeline activities accelerates the delivery of software changes, bug fixes and handling of production incidents. (ii) the delivery speed to production is affected by context factors, such as manual approvals by the product owner (iii) steep learning curve for new skills is experienced by both software developers and operations staff, who also have to cope with working under pressure. Conclusion: Our findings contributes to the overall understanding of DevOps concept, practices and its perceived impacts, particularly in small and medium sized companies. We discuss two practical implications of the results.Peer reviewe